Sunday, August 7, 2011

Legalize Marijuana?

Should Marijuana be legalized? California was the first state to legalize medicinal marijuana sales with 15 other states following it. Should Texas legalize medicinal marijuana? A colleague's, Evin Whittington, blog says Texas should legalize marijuana not just for medicinal use. I would have to agree. With the degree of debt Texas is facing, the Texas government needs sources of revenue. If marijuana is legalized, Texas can apply a sales tax and make more jobs in the farming and production of marijuana which will reel in more income tax.

The major medicinal use of marijuana is to relieve pain. People say tobacco should be illegal because it is additive and is a gateway drug to other more dangerous drugs. Well, research in the United Kingdom shows that some over-the-counter pain killers have addictive properties. Shouldn't these over-the-counter drugs be prescribed if they are addictive just as medicinal marijuana is prescribed? Also, tobacco and alcohol are also drugs people use to relieve stress. Both of these drugs also have addictive properties similar to marijuana. So why aren't tobacco and alcohol illegal? Tobacco is one of the leading cause of death and lung cancer. Not to mention the amount of deaths second-hand smoke cost. I feel tobacco is practically the same drug as marijuana. I don't understand why tobacco isn't illegal. Tobacco endangers the health of people around smokers. Alcohol also endagers others' lives as drunk drivers hit the roads. There are campaigns everywhere I look to promote safe, responsible usage. What? If there needs to be this many cautionary warnings for alcohol, how is this safe? I feel marijuana has the same amount of possible dangers as tobacco and alcohol.  Lastly, people say marijuana is a gateway drug to more dangerous illegal drugs. This is probably true. However, I believe the reason for this is participants of marijuana, an illegal drug, feels they might as well try another illegal drug because both are illegal. I feel marijuana users won't try illegal drugs if marijuana is legalized.

I don't want to give the impression that I support the use of marijuana for I have seen the effects of this drug. However I don't see how marijuana is more dangerous as tobacco and alcohol. With Texas' major debt, the government needs another form of revenue which can be taxing marijuana. With marijuana being the third most popular recreational drug behind tabacco and alcohol in America, as stated in Whittington's blog, legalizing marijuana could also be a step towards solving the national debt crisis. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The recently proposed Hinder the Administration's Legislation Temptation (HALT) Act, by U.S representative Lamar Smith, is designed to prevent the administration's discretion on immigration issues. Texas Democrats in the House of Representatives are attacking Rep. Smith's bill for they believe the bill attack's the president's integrity. The HALT Act will prevent the presidential administration from canceling the deportation of an illegal immigrant.

Illegal immigration cannot be allowed. It is a matter of national security. Texas' proximity to Mexico makes Texas a high target for illegal immigration. When people in the United States, citizen or not, break the law, that person must face the consequences. This Texas Tribune article states that the President Obama has deported the most illegal immigrant in recent Presidential history. However, why should some illegal immigrants be allowed to stay while others get deported? Why should one illegal be treated differently from another illegal immigrant? They are both illegal immigrants who have entered our country without proper documentation. Allowing unknown people to enter the U.S is a matter of national security. The reason why there is U.S customs in airports and shipping docks is to make sure the people allowed in our country are let in and keep people that shouldn't be in our country out. The HALT Act is a necessity to the protection of Texas citizens and all other border states where illegal immigration is more common.

Some oppose the HALT Act because there are special circumstances where the president should be able to use discretion to allow some illegal immigrants into our nation. For example, this Huntington Past article state that some families who adopt children from third world countries need discretion as a lifeline for their newly adopted child because some children may be sick and medical attention needed is not available in those countries. And yes, I understand that a majority of illegal immigrants do not mean harm and simply just wish for an opportunity for a better life. However, why do these good willed immigrant have to break the law? Why can't these immigrants apply for a green card? Just because a modern day "robin hood" robs a bank to donate to the poor does not give him immunity to the law. This modern day "robin hood" will still be tried for breaking the law.  Good intentions do not give you the right to break the rules.

The proposed HALT Act is essential to protect our nation. Giving the president power of discretion on immigration issues gives a huge margin of possible corruption power. Who is to say the president may not use his discretionary powers as a political move to win votes? We as Texans and we as a nation cannot take that chance. We must protect our nation and our nation's laws. Why have laws when we just allow others to break them with no repercussions?