I feel abortion is similar to euthanasia, where doctors assist mothers in killing the life that mother decided to create. Why are children in mother's womb treated differently than children out of the womb? Can a mother take their born child to the hospital and have then euthanized because the mother doesn't want it anymore? I don't think so. So why are children in mother's womb treated differently? I understand that there are unexpected pregnancies but pregnancy is a risk a woman and man are taking when they are having sexual activity with or without contraceptives. If they take the risk, they must take responsibility and face the consequences of their actions. That's life. I recognize that unwanted children is another issue for they end up with uninvolved parents or children end up in foster care. Now I ask, what has our society come to? Why are people making children they don't want? How messed up are our society's morals to allow people to make children and make it acceptable to be irresponsible?
I would disagree with Cristian Jaramillo's blog "Republican legislation = Odd". I feel Texas' sonogram law is necessary when it comes to abortion. The law requires doctors to do ultrasounds, make woman hear their baby’s heartbeats, and all the other required actions. Some say it violates doctors’ and women's 1st Amendment rights but these requirements are already required by hospitals. Whenever a doctor is about to do some kind of surgery or procedure, the doctor must educate the patient about the details and risks of the procedure. It doesn't matter if the patient wants to hear the risk of a procedure, the doctor tells patients the risks anyway and has them sign a waiver that they understand the risk for consent and legal reasons. The blog also links to an article that states the Texas sonogram law contradicts doctor's moral code. But from what I remember and learned, from being an EMT and being a pre-med student, doctors take a Hippocratic oath that includes a Latin statement meaning "DO NO HARM". I would think taking a life created by a human reproductive system is considering doing harm, a contradiction to the doctor's Hippocratic oath.